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Featured Product of the Week: March 29, 2013 – Snack Bags

Dear Human –

Let’s talk about treats. snack bags2You know I love them (in fact, can you give me that one there? Nom. Nom. Nom.). Okay, where was I? Oh yeah…so you know how they say that presentation is everything? Well, take a look at these snack bags. There’s room for LOTS of treats (and even a pocket for your own key and ID). They come in tons of colors and have a magnetic closure so you can grab me a treat with one hand. Plus, you can wear it in three different ways: with a waist belt, a belt clip or with a Velcro loop. Cool, right? Now, can I just have another one of those treats please?

Your Pet

Available by visiting our boutique or contacting Jo Graham, at jo@thefarmatnatcheztrace.com.