Meet Sam and Tegan, The Farm’s Featured Guests for March. Both of these beautiful female Rhodesian Ridgebacks visit The Farm frequently while their owners, Mike and Lindsay Wells of Leipers Fork, are out of town. You might be surprised to learn that–though they are both purebreds and representatives of a breed that is only 44th on the AKC Dog Registration Statistics–both sisters are rescues! They certainly do appreciate their wonderful life with the Wells Family, who says, “We think their devotion to us is what makes them such great protectors and companions.”
Both dogs have quite different personalities in addition to the strong sensitivity and loyalty characteristic of the Ridgeback. Tegan (left) can be described as the little sister. She is funny, devoted, affectionate, and happy to the point of being silly. She swings her hips as she jogs down the roads. She’s incredibly smart. Her sister Samara (right) is cool, calm, and collected–a former model and show winner. She walks like she’s wearing high heels. But she runs incredibly fast. There is not a more beautiful sight.
When they visit The Farm, Sam and Tegan love nothing more than to take a long walk down the Nature Trail; it’s a great chance for them to relax, stretch their legs, and spend some time with each other and their handlers. But they are also enjoy time in the field, running and playing with the elegance of a breed suitable for hunting lions. Their family likes to pamper them by making sure they get at least one Canine Massage each time they come to The Farm, and they really enjoy these sessions with Jordan.
When they are at home, they take joy in every activity, great or small. “Sam and Tegan both agree it would be great to be one dog sitting next to their master in a pick up truck, driving all over town. But reality is, they settle for the two of them sitting next to Pappy in the Ranger while they head down to the gate to get the newspapers.”
As for their favorite snacks, the Wells have started a healthy new diet for them recently. A couple of scoops of their usual kibble serves as the side dish for their favorite: “They love their unsalted green beans, frozen blueberries, and occasional sweet potatoes. They have more energy than ever (and they feel more human.) If you want to see two dogs go wild, just say the words ‘green beans.'” We’ll remember that next time we see them!
One could not hope to have a better pair of dogs than Sam and Tegan. Based on their lives with the girls, the Wells Family recommends Rhodesian Ridgebacks “to anyone who wants a loyal, calm, funny, athletic, protective friend.”